Friday, April 3, 2015

How can you get involved?

Good Evening readers,
Tonight I am going to be giving you some ways that you can get involved in order to cure NF!
here are some ways to get involved:
- Raising Awareness
- Raising Money for research
- Getting involved with the NF community around you
- Volunteering
- participating in events
together we can find a cure. Get involved TODAY

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Facts and statistics

Here are some additional Facts and statistics that are pulled straight from

NF has been classified into three distinct types; NF1, NF2 and schwannomatosis.
 They are caused by different genes, located on different chromosomes.
NF1 is the most common neurological disorder caused by a single gene
occurring in one in every 3,000 children born.
NF2 is a rarer type, occurring in 1:25,000 people worldwide.
While today there is no consensus, studies indicate that schwannomatosis 
occurs in 1:40,000 people.
The Neurofibromatoses are genetically-determined disorders which affect more than 2 million people worldwide; t
his makes NF more prevalent than cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and Huntington's Disease combined.
All forms of NF are autosomal dominant genetic disorders which can be inherited 
from a parent who has NF or may be the result of a new or "spontaneous mutation" (change) in the sperm or egg cell.
Each child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the gene and developing NF. 
The type of NF inherited by the child is always the same as that of the affected parent, 
although the severity of the manifestations may differ from person to person within a family.
NF is worldwide in distribution, affects both sexes equally and has no particular racial, 
geographic or ethnic distribution. Therefore, NF can appear in any family.
Although most cases of NF1 are mild to moderate, NF1 can lead to disfigurement; blindness;
 skeletal abnormalities; dermal, brain, and spinal tumors; loss of limbs; malignancies; and learning disabilities.
NF1 also has a connection to developmental problems, especially learning disabilities
, which are five times more common in the NF1 population than in the general population.
The distinguishing feature of NF2 is tumors that grow on the eighth cranial nerve in both ears, 
commonly causing deafness and severe balance problems.
NF2 brings on increased risk of other types of nervous system tumors as well.
NF2 can also cause severe vision problems, including cataracts, retinal abnormalities and orbital tumors.
Accordingly, NF research may benefit an additional 100 million Americans
 (i.e. 65 million with cancer and 35 million with learning disabilities).
NF is not the "Elephant Man's Disease," although it was at one time believed to be.
 Scientists now believe that John Merrick, the so-called "Elephant Man," h
ad Proteus Syndrome, an entirely different disorder.

Help to those who were recently diagnosed with neurofibromatosis

Good afternoon!

So now that you have a little info about neurofibromatosis, i am now going to talk about Neurofibromatosis and about being recently diagnosed. Obviously if you are recently diagnosed with anything there are always tons of questions, the most frequent one being "what now?".  According to, here are the first steps if you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with neurofibromatosis.

- get the facts
- Enroll in the NF Registry
- find a doctor that knows about NF
- Get support
- Find a doctor that knows about NF
- Stay in touch
- Join our advocacy outreach
- Get involved
- Ask Ask Ask

if you or a loved one have recently been diagnosed with neurofibromatosis, visit a support page

you can click on your state and find a support group near you today! 

- Kara

Monday, March 30, 2015

Neurofibromatosis type 1

Hello- today i am going to write a little about NF type 1.

NF 1 is also known as von Recklinghausen NF or Peripheral NF. It occurs in 1:3,000 births. Neurofibromatosis type one is characterized by multiple cafe-au-lait spots and neurofibromas on or under the skin. It can also cause enlargement and deformation of the bones, as well as curvature of the spine (scoliosis). Occasionally, Neurofibromatosis type one may also cause tumors to develop in the brain or the spinal cord. 50% of people with NF 1 may also have learning disabilities. do you know if you have NF 1?
1. Family history of NF 1
2. 6 or more light brown cafe-au-lait spots on the skin
3. presence of two or more pea-size bumps (neurofibromas) on the skin or one or more plexiform neurofibroma
4. freckling under the arms or in the groin area
5. Pigmented bumps on the eyes iris (Lisch nodules)
6. Skeletal abnormalities such as bowing of the legs or thinning of the shin bone
7. Tumor on the optic nerve that may interfere with vision
8. Epilepsy (epilepsy in NF1 occurs with a frequency of 3.5-7.3%)

for more info visit: